Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Pleasure of Gardening

This is the time of Mother Nature's calendar I love the best!.....and miss the most, as a gardener. Gardening is proven to reduce one's stress level which of course adds to one's life calendar. Gardening, to me, encapsulates so many ideas, feelings, artistic expressions, and personalities. To me, few things take precedence over the utter intoxicating joy and peace of mind that overtake me as I dig my hands into the soft, dark brown, rich earth or tenderly groom a plant. Even the mere act of providing food and water fills me with an overflowing happiness.

Saying "and[I] miss the most" stems from having my own "Eden" for many years. This magical place was my refuge from all of life's complications. It has been almost 4 years now since I have had the joy of taking my coffee into the garden in the early morning hours while weeding. Listening and conversing with nature while admiring her wondrous beauty! My heart aches thinking of it.

I now reside in the attic of an old home surrounded by sumptuous flowering trees. Though quite beautiful, my gardening is reduced to flower boxes which mainly contain herbs and a few favorite annuals. Although this helps to quench my thirst and remain at one with Nature, I long for my "Eden"once more. It is a love that transpires ALL other loves!

My completeness is gone for but a moment, when I shall once again create my "Eden." Another place, another time, another stolen moment of tranquility!


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