Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tribute To A Beautiful Voice

Anita Cerquetti: a most beautiful voice I had never heard until 2 nights ago.

I have a friend online with whom I have the love of opera in common.  We were comparing our favorite soprano divas and he of course said his was Maria Callas.  I must admit, I was disappointed because although Callas was one of the best in her genre both technically and dramatically, her voice has never moved me inside my heart, which is the reason I listen to opera.  :)

So, getting to the reason for this post.  I thought maybe I could give Callas another listen to maybe prove myself wrong.  I went to YouTube and looked for her singing Casta Diva, which is the measure I use to size up mezzo-sopranos, which are my favorite type of soprano.  I gave Callas another chance, and, stood firm to my opinion.  Afterwards, I started listening to many great mezzos and then saw THIS particular video.  I had never heard of Anita Cerquetti so I decided to give her a try.  This recording is actually a LIVE performance from 1958 when she stood in for Maria Callas because of illness.  How ironic for  I started to listen to the most beautiful and full voice I had ever heard.  There is a richness and deep timbre in her voice that sends me into orbit....and YES, moves my heart enough to bring tears to my eyes!  Give her a listen and try to tell me this is not a PRIMA VOCE!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

HAPPY 2012!

Here we are, at the start of another new tell me, why do we use this as the time to turn a new leaf in our lives or start a renewal of practices we let fall to the wayside?  Is the new year our signal that it is time for us to do these things?  I also notice this with the Christmas season as well....everyone goes out of their way to be kind and thoughtful and forgiving.  Hmmm....why do these events trigger such thinking?  Is man conditioned to do so?

I am making a proposal to all of you this year.  MAKE EACH DAY a Christmas or New Year ;)  Strive to understand the truth about yourself inside first; this is the MOST important step, and then have the courage to be truthful, not only to yourself but with everyone you know and love.

Some examples to think about:
-help out a fellow human being with a random act of kindness
-volunteer at a local shelter, food pantry, hospital or pick someone to help out on your own
-stop being afraid to do what you need to do before it is too late for your own happiness
-make NO excuses for your actions or words
-don't worry about what other's think but never do things to hurt someone intentionally
-always be truthful in your communication....don't say the words you think other people want to hear

These are just a few examples of what can be done to reach your goals.  Granted, a lot of things will be painful for you to say or do but it is out of necessity that you do it in order to be free in your mind and body.  I did not promise it would be easy or that you will always follow this path but it is something worth striving for and in the long run you will thank yourself for doing things that set you free :)
The time to start is now!