Today I am putting my broken Italian to the test. It is Andrea's birthday on Friday and I am calling a local florist(fiorista) in Udine, Italy to order a delivery of flowers to his residence. I am quite nervous but have prepared a sheet of scenarios and translations in case no one speaks Inglese. I know I will feel better once it is over and I hear from Andrea that everything turned out the way I wanted.
You see, instead of going through an international floral company that had nothing I liked but also charged an arm and a leg, I wanted to ask for certain flowers to make my own arrangement. Andrea's favorite flower is the sunflower(girasole) and I wanted to add some deep blue delphinium(fiori azzuro) with some native greens all tied into a bouquet(mazzolino). I figured if I did it locally it won't cost as much and I get what I REALLY want him to have. What I didn't realize was all the different scenarios that could take place...I laugh to myself.
Hopefully I will get someone who can match their broken Inglese with my broken Italiano :) Wish me luck(fortuna). ANGELO